DC Lite Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for the DcLite Mobile App We do not collect your data, nor share your data with third parties or organisations.   Your data stays on your device. The only exception to this is a user-initiated action, such as a catalogue request. Such an action may...
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Not sure when to apologize? The art of timing an apology

A good apology always includes a reparation of some kind. If we find ourselves circling a loop of repeated mistakes and prompt apologies, could it be because we’re serving our apologies half-baked? Here’s how you can deliver effective and sincere apologies.

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Unexpectedly happy: lessons on true contentment from hunters in Siberia

Developing self awareness and embodying virtues such as gratitude, compassion, generosity and readiness to serve, are happiness promoters. Are any of these virtues a part of your 2017 goal setting?

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Sit Down and Breathe: When Efficiency Becomes Harmful

Understand why self-care is a difficult practice to implement. When we want to show care and love towards ourselves, why do we often encounter resistance?

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Refining Your Personal Philosophy

Personal philosophy is defined as everything that goes on inside the human mind in the form of thoughts, ideas and information. Learn how reviewing, refining and revising your personal philosophies can lead to personal growth.

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Is progress like a spiral staircase?

How does progress unfold in your life? Is it linear? Or is it more like a spiral staircase? This blog post is an attempt to share that you are still a full bucket, irrespective of the circumstances unfolding around you.

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The Black Hole of Online Shopping Doesn’t Have to Suck You in — Here’s How to Fight Back

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. In this blog post we share some strategies that’ll help you become a more mindful consumer — both online and off.

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Love Warrior: a manual for living life fearlessly by digging deep and finding the true warrior within

Here are some of our favourite philosophies and leadership lessons from the book Love Warrior, written by Glennon Doyle Melton

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3 Great Tips to Help you Regain Control When You Feel Like Time is Running Away From You

Chronophobia is an experience of unease and anxiety about time, a feeling that events are moving too fast and are thus hard to make sense of. Do you feel like this sometimes? Let us help you regain control when you feel like time is running away from you.

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Learning how to cope with conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of life; we all experience it. When conflict is not managed appropriately it can become a source of abundant stress and anxiety. The consequences are loss of productivity, motivation and communication breakdowns.

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Coping strategies for difficult times

In this blog post we share our version of resilience and coping strategies that can help you reduce stress and anxiety.

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Improve your relationship with frustration

Frustration can be like a hot potato for most of us! It’s uncomfortable and the tendency is offload it as soon as possible. By applying emotional intelligence to the expression of frustration, we are given an opportunity to learn from it and grow.

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How to embrace the wisdom of healing

Through our painful experiences, we often gain incredible gifts of wisdom and insight. As we heal, we begin to become deeply aware of our reality. The learning in this experience often allows us to make new connections and deepen existing ones or clear our lives of what no longer serves us. Let me walk you through some scenarios and see what resonates. What can you heal or let go of?

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11 gut bombs to eliminate from your life immediately

Are you experiencing persistent stress in your life? Do you find yourself in a state of irritability, depression and insomnia or do you feel a general sense of hopelessness, overwhelm and emotional fatigue?

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8 Filters to create a brain friendly To-Do list

In this blog post we share our top tips to design a brain friendly to-do list. Before you eat the elephant, make sure you know what parts you want to eat!

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Our review of the book Six Action Shoes

The book Six Action Shoes introduces a creative way to take control of any business and life situation by providing a practical and useful framework for taking action in any situation. And what better way to learn this than with shoes!

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What if?

When we consider a change in our circumstances or we advance towards a goal, we often find ourselves playing through a variety of ‘what if’ scenarios in our minds. Because we are innately programmed for survival, most of these scenarios are negative. If you are contemplating change, here are some strategies that help you come out better – rather than bitter – on the other side.

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How to minimise sleep disruption if you work when everyone is asleep

If you are a night shift worker or you manage a team that requires night shift work to be undertaken, what steps can you take to ensure your team members get sufficient sleep?
Our concept of wellbeing needs to evolve from the occasional fruit hamper that gets delivered to our work pantries to a more wholesome approach. We have identified seven steps you can take to overcome sleep deprivation associated with shift work.

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Why we need to rethink multitasking

In 2006 the word Pizzled entered the lexicon; a combination of puzzled and pissed, it captured the feeling people had when the person they were with whipped out a Blackberry and started talking to someone else. Back then people felt hurt and indignant in such moments. Today it’s the norm. A multitasking life philosophy might not be the best approach and here’s why.

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How to Make Peace in Your Life with Triggers

The inspiration for this journaling prompt comes from Roger Teel’s book, This Life Is Joy. Teel encourages readers of his book to open themselves to the mysteries of life. Teel recommends practices that can be used with My Wellness Journal to experience peace, calm and a general state of well-being.

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